Exalting God, Edifying Believers, Evangelizing the Lost

Judge Yourself, Not Others

The Lord has told us very plainly that we should refrain from judging one another (Matthew 7:1). What He meant by that is that we are not to judge the lives of other people by our own convictions and standards.  To hold everyone else to our own personal standards is called...
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Tyranny of the Weak vs. the Law of Christ

As believers, we are free in Christ. There is a common philosophy, though, called the “Tyranny of the Weak,” which states that since our freedom is in Christ, the lack of knowledge of “immature” believers should not affect how we live out our Christian liberty, even if what we do...
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Christian Liberty: License or Love?

As evidenced in our current culture, the ideas of “liberty and freedom” are regularly misconstrued to mean that we are allowed to do whatever we want. If you watch the news at all, you can see that this faulty idea of freedom only propagates an environment of anarchy and...
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Big Church, or Strong Church?

There are a lot of big churches out there today that keep getting larger, but just having a lot of people in services does not mean that a church is strong. God measures church growth by more than just attendance. Ephesians 4:11-13 tells us that God gave the church specific types...
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The Foundation of the Church

In Matthew 16, when Jesus asks His disciples who they thought He was, Peter quickly answers, “Thou are the Christ, the Son of the Living God” (vs 16). Jesus responds in verse 18, saying, “Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church.” At first glance, it seems that...
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