Becoming Doers of the Word
Becoming Doers of the Word
By Michael Youssef, Ph D. 01/16/24
It’s difficult to comprehend the power of the Word of God. God’s very word set the world in motion; Jesus is the Word who became flesh; and it is the Word of God that speaks to our spirits at salvation, bringing us from death to life.
Unfortunately, many Christians acknowledge the fact that they are supernaturally born again by the Spirit of God but then live the rest of their lives in the natural. We are born again through the living, enduring Word of God, and we should continue to live that way.
Are you growing in the Word of God every day? Do you allow it to penetrate your heart and your life? Do you allow it to rebuke and encourage you—maturing you in Christ? Do you feed upon it? Do you meditate upon it? Do you exercise the power therein?
James warned us of an age-old trap we can easily fall into: “Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says” (James 1:22). The key to truly making the most of our Bible reading is to apply what we have learned. Seeking out Truths takes work, but the work will be in vain if we don’t allow these Truths to transform our lives.
Try following these steps to seek to do God’s will as He has shown us in His Word.
- Choose a passage of Scripture to study today.
- As you read, take notes on what the Holy Spirit is saying to you. Ask yourself what the passage was saying to the original reader and what the passage means.
- Then ask yourself how you can apply this Truth in your own life today.
- Review your notes often to remind yourself of what you have learned. Make a plan to incorporate these Truths into your life.
As you dig deep into Scripture and actively apply it, you will find that God is using His Word to produce righteousness in your life. When we are open to the Holy Spirit’s promptings, He will give us encouragement when we are struggling, rebuke us when we are rebelling, challenge us when we need to step forward in faith, and warn us when we are about to head down the wrong path. Whatever situation we are going through, God will use His Word to give us the knowledge and wisdom to handle it.
Prayer: Lord, thank You for the reminder today of the power of Your Word. Help me to spend more time feeding and meditating on Your Word and exercising its power. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.
“Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says” (James 1:22).