Don’t Waste Your Anger
Made New
01/10/25 – 01/16/25
Don’t Waste Your Anger
By Michael Youssef, Ph D. 01/15/25
Read Numbers 20:1-13.
Moses was described by God as the meekest man on the face of this earth (see Numbers 12:3), and yet he had a ferocious temper. He just could not get complete victory over his tendency to rage. And ultimately, it kept him from the prize: leading the Israelites into the Promised Land.
Of course, Moses isn’t the only person to ever struggle with anger. Every day, we can see the consequences of uncontrolled anger in our society. Mishandled anger has killed an untold number of people, destroyed homes, ruined careers, and devastated friendships. It has blocked many blessings and many answers to prayer. On the other hand, unexpressed anger turned inward can cause depression.
While anger is a natural and legitimate emotion, Christians have been called “to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness” (Ephesians 4:24). The question is not whether or not we’ll get angry; the question is What should we do with our anger? How do we express righteous anger so that we do not sin (see Ephesians 4:26)? By being constructive, not destructive; by being a blessing, not a stumbling block; by bringing joy to others, not sorrow.
Victory over our anger won’t happen overnight. God’s training takes a lifetime. Therefore, let us persevere knowing that our God has given us all we need to pursue a godly life in Christ Jesus, for by His blood, we are a new creation.
Prayer: God, forgive me for the ways I mishandle anger. Show me what to do with my anger when it boils up within me. Help me to channel it to produce good and not to tear down. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.
“Then Moses raised his arm and struck the rock twice with his staff” (Numbers 20:11).