Exalting God, Edifying Believers, Evangelizing the Lost

Jesus: God of the Universe

Jesus: God with Us

12/14/24 – 12/25/24

Jesus: God of the Universe

By Michael Youssef, Ph D.  12/25/24

The one who created the universe did an impossible thing: He entered a virgin’s womb in order to become a man and then overcame the same difficulties and temptations we face. He “became flesh and made his dwelling among us” (John 1:14).

The true message of Christmas is this: God became human in order to come to earth to rescue us from sin, death, and our own failed lives. Do you believe that the sinless came to carry your sins, the perfect died for the imperfect, and the only man who ever lived a holy life died a criminal’s death to satisfy the justice of God for you?

This Christmas, ask yourself, “How have I responded to Jesus?” Acknowledge in prayer today that He was willing to become an infant and be born in a stable in order to reach you. In His presence, marvel that, as a King, He left heaven for a life of humiliation and death on the cross. Rejoice that He triumphed over death in His resurrection. Thank Him that you will one day live with Him in heaven for eternity.

Linger with God awhile today. Do not rush this loving conversation as you tell God how much the presence of Jesus in your life means to you. Allow God a few minutes to communicate to you how extravagant, sacrificial, and unfaltering His love is, no matter how much you may have sinned. If you long to know more about God, His love, and His nature, you need look no further than Jesus.

Prayer: Thank You, precious Lord, that I can spend eternity with You because of Your sacrifice. You are the fulfillment of everything I could ever desire, and so I long to draw near to You. Deepen my faith as I seek Your face this Christmas. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

“[H]e made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death—even death on a cross!” (Philippians 2:7-8).

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