One Body, Many Gifts, One Goal
By Michael Youssef, Ph D. 08/01/20
Read 1 Corinthians 12:12-26.
All the parts of the human body were designed by our Creator to work together. Thus, when one part fails to function as it was designed, the whole body is affected. Every part matters to the whole—and the same is true for us, the body of Christ.
The Bible compares the local church to a body to demonstrate that every member of that body is essential. You see, God has given every believer at least one spiritual gift, and these gifts are what determine a person’s function in the body of Christ. Every gift is incredibly important to the healthy functioning of the whole.
In Paul’s day, the Christians in Corinth were confused about spiritual gifts. Some envied the more attention-getting gifts, like miraculous powers and speaking in tongues. Others thought they were too good for the gifts they had received, the quieter gifts such as wisdom and helping. As a result, many gifts went unused or, worse, were twisted into sources of pride. But this kind of behavior is an affront to the wisdom and love of God. The proper response to our King’s gracious gifts is humble gratitude and joy in using these gifts to serve Christ and His church.
As God’s church, we are one body but many parts. We will not all have the same jobs to accomplish (see 1 Corinthians 12:17). God has given the church a variety of people with differing spiritual gifts for both our individual and corporate blessing. The gifts you’ve been given were chosen for you by God, and God knows what He is doing. So if we are to see our local church thrive, we must discover what our gifts are and exercise them with diligence and humility.
When it comes to the body of believers, we need each other—every part—in order to be healthy and strong. We must support and protect each other. No part of the church can function properly on its own. And often the people you never see up front at church are among the most critical members of the body of Christ. Though they serve quietly in the background with administration, faith, giving, knowledge, and more, they are seen by our Father in heaven. So when it comes to spiritual gifts, let’s use them not for self-promotion but for humble, loving service to the body of Christ.
Prayer: Lord, thank You for the gifts You’ve given me. May I humbly use them to serve You and Your church for Your purposes. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.
“But in fact God has placed the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be” (1 Corinthians 12:18).