Exalting God, Edifying Believers, Evangelizing the Lost

Tyranny of the Weak vs. the Law of Christ

As believers, we are free in Christ. There is a common philosophy, though, called the “Tyranny of the Weak,” which states that since our freedom is in Christ, the lack of knowledge of “immature” believers should not affect how we live out our Christian liberty, even if what we do offends them.

Actually, Paul addresses this very thinking in I Corinthians 8:9:

“But take heed, lest this liberty of yours become a stumblingblock to them that are weak.”

Paul goes on to say in verse 12, that when we cause a “weaker” brother to stumble, we sin both against them and against Christ.

The Bible defines the “Law of Christ” as living in love one toward another. That means that everyone else’s well being will be more important than our own.

So the liberty that we have in Christ is not the freedom to defend our own rights and convictions. It is the freedom to give up our rights in order to avoid offending others as we seek to build them up in the faith.

After all, that is the essence of Christian love.

About the Author
Ross Fichter has been a pastor since 2007, founding a church in West Michigan, and now ministering to the congregation of Bunker Hill Community Church in Center Township in western Pennsylvania. Pastor Ross loves to teach and discuss the Word of God for the building up of the saints and helping us all become more effective in ministry as the ambassadors of Christ.